Tuesday, March 13, 2012

It's a Wonderful Tuesday . . .

Look what I came home to this evening!

Fresh picked friends from the field, gathered by my favorite Farmer . . .

The shy white flower in the middle is actually a Zulu Prince Daisy which is a long way from it's homeland on the African plains.  Apparently, my Zulus are either homesick, bashful, or catching up on their beauty sleep, but pre-bouquet, the fair flowers would have looked more like this:


For some all-to-obvious reason, the site of the Zulu's delicate petals reminds me of "Zuzu's petals" from It's A Wonderful Life, and yes, I have to agree, it most certainly is. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

C. A. T.


Meet Cat.  If she has a name, I've yet to uncover it, but truthfully I haven't tried very hard because "Cat" simply suits her.  She is CAT, hear her MEOW.  

Cat own's this house and we are her resident feeders.  She is who-knows-how-old and rather legendary around these parts for surviving coyotes and cat-lovin' dogs.  She has her own built-in perch on the back porch.  A porch perch.  We should all be so lucky.

The best part is she's sugary sweet.  She loves pats so much it makes her drool like crazy.  The second best part is that she keeps an outdoor human-free litter box and is a vigilant rodent control specialist --- all for the meager salary of kitty kibble. 

Thanks, Cat, for welcoming us to our new home!